Free client trust accounting white paper, anyone? (Clue: the answer’s “yes”!)
Worried about your firm’s client trust accounting? Our new ‘Client trust accounting: From zero to hero’ white paper’s what you need. You’ll find…
Foreword by our Global CEO Nicola Moore-Miller: If anyone knows about accounting in law, it’s Nicola with her 20-years+ finance-and-legal career. Benefit from her experience.
Overview of Girardi: An example of a violation of professional standards at its most extreme causing state bars nationally to strengthen their stance on trust accounts.
Self-assessment questions: Allowing you to position yourself here and now regarding your current financial management and bookkeeping.
Tips for client trust account excellence: From reading your state bar’s handbook, to choosing a financially stable bank, to drawing upon external experts, to utilizing technology to fortify your processes.
Our white paper’s come about because we understand that accounting isn’t top of the fun-tasks list of most attorneys. After all, client-facing service delivery comes first. But, client trust accounts are a necessary evil for every law office in America.
Why? Quite simply, failing to comply with client trust account rules can land you in hot water with your regulatory state bar association.
Best case scenario? Recommended support and education program for unintentionally non-compliant lawyers. Worst case scenario? Referred disciplinary action for intentionally non-compliant lawyers.
As we saw with the Thomas Girardi misappropriation-of-client-funds case, sanctioning can be extreme – recovery of stolen monies and court costs, and removal of the license to practice law… permanently. Recent news from the State Bar of California confirms the imminent arrival of even tougher regulations with more states set to follow suit.
Don’t be reactive. Be proactive. Our new white paper demonstrates how.
To chat with the InQuo team about any of your consultancy or training needs, or software queries – both of which are tried-and-tested solutions to your client trust account challenges – please call +1 888 563 9342, visit our client trust accounting web page or email