New report helping law firms overcome competitive challenges and harness technology

With competition in the legal industry at an all-time high and many SME-sized law firms expressing an inability to compete on equal terms with their larger rivals due to financial constraints, dedicated consultant and trainer for the legal sector, InQuo, has published a report to assist legal practices with limited-budget software decisions.

InQuo’s ‘Leading the legal technology change’ report, launched in February 2022, is specifically targeted at the smaller law firm. According to InQuo, these are organisations who would typically delay investment in technology by being more economically cautious despite actually being more able to implement new systems due to their agility and less complex software requirements.

InQuo’s resource tackles this conundrum head on, giving law firm owners and managers the information, and consultancy and training support they need to make sound software choices which enable them to overcome marketplace challenges.

InQuo’s Nicola Moore-Miller says:

“Our report couldn’t have arrived at a better time, amidst SME firms’ fears of being left behind by big firms. Our report gives these companies a confidence boost that they can achieve outstanding financial performance and regulatory compliance too, simply by selecting the right technology backed up by first-class consultancy and training provision.

“For InQuo, this report is the latest addition to our expanding catalogue of downloadable collateral which reinforces our vision and corporate strategy. For the former, our mission is to inspire law firms to adapt, harness technology and thrive. Our report sets out in practical terms exactly how to do so. For the latter, by appealing to a wider audience within the sector, including and beyond those companies who’ve accessed InQuo’s services previously, we can reach new revenue streams and grow our business. We’ve got additional white papers and reports planned throughout 2022 so watch this space.”



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