New training guide to help law firms transform and thrive by using software optimally

With lawtech investment set to reach £2.2bn annually by 2026, and law firms spending up to 0.9% of fee income on software, InQuo has published a new white paper to help owners and managers use their systems maximally through training.

InQuo’s ‘Learning in the workplace: software training as an opportunity for all’ is a comprehensive guide to all-things training, empowering legal professionals and senior leadership teams to realise the return on their technology investment and operate in a smarter way – by focusing on the game-changing benefits of training.

Adding her words of wisdom in the guide is Nicola Moore-Miller, InQuo’s CEO, who’s ran her training and consultancy business for many years, enabling hundreds of clients to achieve amazing outcomes by learning how to get the very best out of their technology.

Nicola says:

“The result of training may be getting quality legal documents out of the door in a speedier manner to boost client satisfaction, relying upon secretaries less to improve relationship dynamics, having better visibility of cases to feel in control of matters in progress, whatever… all of the aforementioned and more being achieved while saving valuable time.”

In InQuo’s new training resource, there’s timely advice covering the why, how, where and when of software training – to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive marketplace which demands the optimum usage of advanced technology.

Ideal for law firms already using or thinking of buying practice management software, our guide is available here.


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