Available now: New Power BI consultancy service

Microsoft’s Power BI tool is taking the business world by storm. Including the law sector.

Mining for gold

For anyone as yet unfamiliar with Power BI, it’s a system designed to connect to and merge together data, then convert this data into powerful insights – for a data-driven culture and informed decision making.

Power BI promises to seamlessly integrate data from various sources, and turn it into captivating visuals and impactful reports.

That’s where InQuo comes in. And LEAP Legal Software.

You see, LEAP integrates with Power BI. It’s InQuo that makes it happen with our new Power BI consultancy service.

Choose from our trio of offerings – training, support and report creation – and we’ll help with any of your Power BI help requests, from establishing the initial API links, to setting up bespoke reporting templates, and everything in between.

Whatever your Power BI requirements, rest assured our legal specialists, LEAP certified consultants and Microsoft experts have got your back.

Keen to understand the benefits? Head to our Power BI consultancy web page for a summary of some of the plentiful advantages of the Power BI-InQuo powerhouse.

Wisdom in numbers

Is our new service right for you? We, and our existing clients, like to think it is. Take a look at what a few of our clients have to say about InQuo:

“My sincere thanks for the system health check report. Our finance director describes it as the most comprehensive analysis of our practice he has seen to date.” – Andrew Horwich, Symes Bains Broomer

“Jayva’s accounting background instils absolute confidence that they understand the importance of accuracy with client trust accounts.” – Shirley Edbrooke, Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau LLC

“Jayva trainers were a calming influence in training sessions, and made everyone feel like they were doing well, and would continue to do so.” – Annabelle Garnett, Whaley Garnett

“Jayva delivered such an intense and nurturing level of support, doing a superb job of coordinating the many threads of the project.” – Anthony Rozzi, Anthony Rozzi Law

Making an intellectual investment

Interested in driving your business forward by unlocking valuable analytical insights from the data you already own? Want to be our next success story? Simply contact us and let’s talk about Power BI consultancy.


Ten years of technology throughout ten years of InQuo


Blended expert Microsoft 365 training and customisation services, anyone?