Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

Law firm technology: Five key failings with solutions

In a recent podcast, InQuo’s Nicola Moore-Miller set about helping law firms harness the power of software by describing five key areas in which practices fail to maximise their use of technology. Why should law firms embrace software fully? Quite simply, technology is the enabler of success in an era of digital transformation.

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Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

Legal technology tips #4: Cloud software migration failures and successes

The final instalment in our 'Legal technology tips' blog series takes a close look at why software projects have a tendency to fail. We highlight the pitfalls to help you avoid the same fate. We also set out InQuo’s stall by outlining how hiring external consultancy and training support leads to software project success.

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Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

New-to-market global helpdesk innovation

Today sees the launch of our new technical support offering – a global helpdesk for clients located in the UK and US. Our global helpdesk will handle queries from law firms regarding a myriad of technical and operational matters.

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Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

How to maximise your training investment

Every business, at some stage, upgrades their systems or changes their processes to meet new business requirements. And changes need careful planning to maximise the return on the investment. Training can make or break an implementation. We explore the essential interrogative questions for any training plan.

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Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater when undertaking a system review

Is your case or practice management system (CMS/PMS) not living up to expectations? Not getting value for money? Considering going elsewhere? Wait: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. We’re going to explore the misconceptions regarding expectations of CMS/PMS applications, and share what we've come to recognise: with efficient training from our highly experienced consultants, and a look at a company's approach to change management, many firms discover their existing systems weren't so bad after all.

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Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

New SRA Standards & Regulations - An opportunity; not a threat

The new SRA Standards & Regulations came into effect on 25th November. Were you ready for the big switch? Rather than seeing these changes as a threat, though, these new rules represent a massive opportunity. In a bid to help you prepare, we're going to explore the changes, challenges and outcomes.

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Jennet Ingram Jennet Ingram

Data conversion best practice

When making a decision to change your practice management software, one of the things which can get brushed over pre sale is how your data will be converted. Mapping data can be a challenge which requires specialist knowledge, but at the very least, an understanding of what is included or out of scope is a must.

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